Quotes for the Days

"Ideas are never gone, usually in implementation they are just changing concept or form"

"Quickly write down your ideas, or quickly they'll disappear"

June 28, 2011

All-in-one-Stop education, Khan Academy

And what now??
Unique Ideas executed well

Our Review
Khan Academy. From their name, maybe you'll remember the famous Mongolian General, Genghis Khan, lols. No, this is not about those related with war or generals or something like that but this website provide a one stop educational, from simple mathematics, algebra, calculus (which maybe you' wouldn't prefer), biology till economic and finance education. The topics provided is from a very simple to the more sophisticated that all we can learn step-by-step. well, how many lesson they provide? Its more than 61 Million lessons! (good job guys, good job..)
The educational process is very attractive and helpful. Instead of being showed a monotonous documents with theory and  explanation and practice and whatever (those are way too traditional..) we are shown the tutorial video as if a teacher is teaching by using chalk and blackboard which is fairly easy to learn to. And sure if you skip or misunderstand some part you can always replay the video.

The tutorial video
This is particularly helpful when, says, you're a junior high school student and accidentally you missed some lesson in the mathematics class because of sick, lacks concentrations, had slept in class, played truant or whatever (well, we are all the same, lols) and you don't bother to read the book or you don't have much time to learn the lesson just learn from this website. Try out at www.khanacademy.org!

The way to study some lessons while out of school. And with always ready-to-repeat lesson teachers.

What should I do next??
First Sit, and Then Learn. Be cleverer than your classmates dude.
And try not to play any truant in school.

iQueesh Rating: 8 out of 10

Ref: Erica Pramesty
 The All-in-one-Stop education, Khan Academy

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