Quotes for the Days

"Ideas are never gone, usually in implementation they are just changing concept or form"

"Quickly write down your ideas, or quickly they'll disappear"

Our Thanks

Our Thanks for your contribution to this Blog:

  1. Fary SJ Oroh, from book "Young Millionaires in the Internet under 25 years" for the Million Dollar Homepage;
  2. Rahmawati Bagas for the mindmeister.com;
  3. Ida Bagus Kade Widiarsa @hokifashion for the balihub.com;
  4. Yudari 'Popo', @shinningpearl.multiply.com for the correction in the Quotes *lols*
  5. Erica Pramesty for the couchsurfing.com;
  6. Be the Next!!