Quotes for the Days

"Ideas are never gone, usually in implementation they are just changing concept or form"

"Quickly write down your ideas, or quickly they'll disappear"

June 9, 2011

The Recommend Button, google +1 button

google +1 button (from geeky-gadgets.com)
'Fresh ideas' from the famous search engine. Well, first I realized it on my blog a few days ago, and I thought this button just like 'share' features like that in twitter or facebook. But after asking our dear know-just-anything friend mister google and googling a little bit (yeah, who'd you ask for if not them?) this button is rather a recommendation button, it's not only function as a share button but also a recommendation from the viewer that said it can improve the recommended stuffs better in the SERP.

For example, if you recommend an article by clicking the +1 button about traveling from some website (Wait.. why don't you just recommend all of OUR articles here?? just joking, lols), then next time the friends that connect to your google account can see your recommendation on their google search page. I consider this is very useful to make the search result more relevant and helpful to our google connection.

Though it's only limited to our contact and friends on google, it's still very useful and worth to try. So, if you want your website has this unique little button, you can add the +1 button here. Have a good day!

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